Urban Youth Employment and Education Services – UYES

UYES! (Urban Youth Employment and Education Services) is a project co-delivered by the Human Development Council, The Saint John Learning Exchange, The Teen Resource Centre, and other service providers in Waterloo Village. UYES! provides wrap-around services for youth aged 15-30.

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Coordinated Access

Saint John’s By-Name List (BNL) is the city’s centralized list for prioritizing housing supports and services for people experiencing homelessness. The list is one part of a community-driven shift to implement a Coordinated Access System (CAS) in Saint John. Coordinated Access is a single, standardized process to access supports and services, using a common assessment tool for people experiencing homelessness. With improved coordination and efficient intake practices, people experiencing homelessness can access appropriate supports and services more quickly.

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Reaching Home 


The Human Development Council is the Community Entity (CE) for Reaching Home, Canada’s Homelessness Strategy. In our role as the CE, we work with local Community Advisory Boards in Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John to develop community plans and priorities and fund projects, through an open transparent process, to deliver programs and services that will lead to measurable reductions in homelessness.

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